Room Assignment Export to Ethos

Astra Schedule now provides a one-way integration that will send room assignments made in Astra Schedule back to Ethos. In order to accomplish this, Astra Schedule will first import the “Astra SisKey to Ethos Id mapping.” Once the ID mapping is in place, Astra Schedule can export room assignment changes back to Ethos. Ethos will then update the SIS with the room assignments that were assigned in Astra Schedule. This can be accomplished both in a large batch process and in near-real-time increments.  Maximum frequency of import and exporting will be determined considering institution size and integration type. 

The client must complete the setup in this documentation for this functionality to work. 

The column and table names called out are Colleague-specific. However, this process also works for Banner.


Connection Set-Up

  1. Ad Astra will import the Ethos IDs for the campus, building and room entities directly from Ethos.
  2. Additional setup will be needed to get the Ethos Ids for sections and section meetings.  We are able to ingest this in two ways: a view built on the Student Information System or with a text file.  The first option is not compatible for Ellucian SAAS systems.
    1. Option 1: view creation
      1. VPN tunnel connection to the SIS is required to get the required reference keys and to import section and section meeting data into Ad Astra.
      2. It would be best practice for Ad Astra to confirm that this table exists and has proper data before moving to the next steps.
      3. Create a view in the SIS: named LDM_GUID
      4. Column names:
        1. LDM_GUID_ID (Ethos ID)
        2. LDM_GUID_PRIMARY_KEY (Course_Sections_id or Course_Sec_Meeting_Id from Colleague)
      5. For Unidata Systems: SQL-ize through VSG or Metadata manager
    2. Option 2: text file 
      1. This option is used when a client is importing sections via text file import and a direct connection is not possible.  
      2. This text file is delivered via SFTP, same as the text section import.
      3. Column names:
        1. LDM_GUID_ID (Ethos ID)
        2. LDM_GUID_PRIMARY_KEY (Course_Sections_id or Course_Sec_Meeting_Id from Colleague)
        4. Format the file as a .txt file
      4. We are pulling from the following entities to get required Ethos GUIDS for room assignments.  No special permissions are required.
        1.  rooms
        2.  buildings
        3. sites
      5.  The following permissions are required in order to update room booking events:


Ad Astra Interface Setup

System Settings:

  1. EthosAPIKey-Populate with the key provided to access the client’s Ethos API
  2. EthosAPIURL:

ATE Jobs

  1. EthosSisKeyMap
    1. Select New Job
    2. Choose ATE job (Wait for ‘Validating Spoke Files’ pop up)
    3. Select the Job Form
      • Type: Import
      • Mode: Batch
      • Configuration File: EthosSisKeyMapImport
      • Continue
    4. EthosSisKeyMap Job Form
      • Give the import a name
      • Save and Run Now
  2. Ethos Section Export (Batch)
    1. Select New Job
    2. Choose ATE job (Wait for ‘Validating Spoke Files’ pop up)
    3. Select the Job Form
      • Type: Export
      • Mode: Batch
      • Configuration File: EthosSectionExport
      • Continue
    4. Ethos Section Export (Batch) Job Form
      1. Give the export a name
      2. Campuses: Choose which campuses that Ad Astra updates rooms assignments
      3. Term: Choose the term that Ad Astra will update room assignments
      4. Export Filter:
        • All room assignments: Export all the room assignments that are currently in Ad Astra for the selected campus(es) and term(s). DEFAULT and RECOMMENDED
        • Astra changed room assignments: Only export the room assignments that have been changed in Ad Astra
      5. Schedule: Schedule this export to run daily after business hours that will account for any changes that real-time doesn’t handle during the business day to keep Ad Astra and the SIS in sync.
  3. Ethos Section Export (Realtime)
    1. Select New Job
    2. Choose ATE Job (Wait for ‘Validating Spoke Files’ Pop Up)
    3. Select Job Form
      • Type: Export
      • Mode: Realtime
      • Configuration File: EthosSectionExport
      • Continue
    4. Ethos Section Export (Realtime) Job Form
      1. Give the import a name
      2. Campuses: Choose which campuses that Ad Astra updates rooms assignments
      3. Term: Choose the term that Ad Astra will update room assignments
      4. Export Filter:
        • All room assignments: Export all the room assignments that are currently in Ad Astra for the selected campus(es) and term(s).
        • Astra changed room assignments: Only export the room assignments that have been changed in Ad Astra. DEFAULT and RECOMMENDED 

Important Notes

  • Prior to running an export from Astra Schedule to the SIS using Ethos, the client should complete a room audit to ensure room capacities are the same in both systems. If there is a mismatch, the export will complete with errors. When the room capacities match, there are no errors.
  • Some errors can only be fixed by the Ethos API and not within Astra Schedule.

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