Ad Astra Support
How to Submit and Manage Support Tickets
If you’re experiencing an issue and need to submit a ticket, the Support Center offers a direct line to the Ad Astra Support team. In this article, you will learn more about the ticket submission ...
Astra Training Videos
Ad Astra Apps Registration Monitoring (Monitor) Overview Align Overview How to Use Registration Monitoring (Monitor) Align Training Registration Monitoring (Monitor) Training ...
Banner Database Access
Record Updates During the record comparison, section records are identified using the combination of term and CRN. Section meeting records are identified using the combination of term, CRN, and Ora...
PeopleSoft Database Access
Database User Access The Astra database user must have access to the tables listed below. Additionally, synonyms must be created for each table as the Astra user to facilitate direct queries again...
Website and Email Outages
3-5-2021 9:27am RESOLVED: Our team has implemented a fix and resolved the website and email outages. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused. 3-4-2021 1:16pm Monitoring: Website...
Microsoft Outlook Add In
Ad Astra is excited to announce the Astra Schedule add-in for Microsoft Outlook which allows Outlook users to schedule a single-occurring event and room into Astra Schedule using an Outlook meeting...
Text File Interface Overview
Text file imports and exports are available as an interface solution for institutions using a Student Information System (SIS) for which Ad Astra does not have a database interface. The text file ...
Colleague Database Access (MSSQL or Oracle)
Database User Access The Astra database user must have access to the tables listed below. Additionally, synonyms must be created for each table as the Astra user to facilitate direct queries again...
Interface Overview
The Astra Schedule interface with your SIS system is designed to facilitate the coordination of data between the two systems. Using the interface, Astra Schedule can import academic course section ...
I am getting an "Invalid Authenticity Token" or "aais.zendesk.com refused to connect" error and can not log into the Support Center
Question When I try to log into the Support Center, I am receiving an error that says "Invalid Authenticity Token" or "aais.zendesk.com refused to connect." What can I do? Answer This error m...